Tough Decision? Turn To You Intuition



Do decisions come easy to you or would you rather get someone else to make them? Whenever you’re facing a tough choice or need to make an important determination in your life, turn to the inner-guidance of your soul!

Whenever we make decisions based on intuition, we trust our feelings. The more we use our inner-guidance to lead us, the more our confidence builds and the better we get at it.

Try to acknowledge, honor and act upon feelings and signs that will nudge you in the right direction. That’s your soul talking! I remember a time when I was about to give a talk for a sold-out event. Several days before, I kept getting a nagging feeling to call the organizers and check on the equipment for the evening. Instead, my rational mind kicked in: “No, John, they’re professionals who have done this hundreds of times before. Let it go.” (I may be a psychic medium, but I don’t always pay attention to everything I feel.)

When I arrived at the venue, I found a broken microphone, a tiny footstool to sit on, a lack of air-conditioning and a spotlight shining on me that had enough juice to light up New York City! If I had trusted my soul and called the organizers beforehand, I could have saved a lot of stress for myself as well as the staff who rushed around to fix everything.

I know it can be scary to listen to your intuition when your logic is pulling you in the opposite direction. But fear will hold you prisoner if you let it. Your intuition isn’t meant to replace reason, it’s there to enhance your logic, thereby giving you a far better chance to succeed.

Practice listening to your body’s signals and interpreting your feelings when making decisions. Some people may feel a flutter when something feels wrong or a tingling sensation if they’re on the right path; while others may feel nothing, signaling them not to move forward.