Stacey Demarco
Stacey Demarco is an internationally respected spiritual pagan practitioner, Witch, author and activist who hails from Sydney, Australia.
Her passion is to make practical magic accessible to everyone and to reconnect people with the power of nature.
Stacey was the Metaphysicist on the hit TV series, ‘The One”. She has a number of very popular and somewhat controversial social media pages including Facebook and her “Natureluster” website & blog. Her grassroots activist group ‘The 5000’ organizes fundraisers for various animal and environmental causes and beach cleanups, amongst other activities. She lectures, holds workshops and Wild Souls Retreats and consults within Australia and around the world.
Her down-to-earth yet scholastic spiritual style and her skill at weaving ancient techniques to solve modern problems, make her popular amongst clients and a regular contributor upon all things spiritual across television, radio and other media.
A former successful corporate animal, she has worked for multinational companies in senior marketing and PR roles until she decided to transition into her purpose- that of being a “catalyst for change”.
Once described by the Australian mainstream financial press as the ‘Thinking Woman’s Witch,’ she is the author of three best selling books on earth-based spirituality including the classic “Witch in the Boardroom” in its third edition. Her beautiful annual Lunar & Seasonal Diary (for both Southern and Northern Hemispheres) are eagerly awaited each year. Stacey’s books with Jade-Sky, “The No Excuses Guide to Soul Mates” and “The No Excuses Guide to Discovering your Purpose” are Australian top sellers and now released internationally. She released the world’s first lunar and spellcraft app -expected for someone who is ‘the modern witch!”
A long time lover and scholar of the mythos of the feminine and masculine divine, her first set of Oracle cards “Gods & Titans”, illustrated by award-winning artist Jimmy Manton was released early 2011 and her second set, “Goddesses & Sirens” were released in October 2011 in Australia with a US release in 2013. Reflecting her love of nature, her “Earth Power- An Atlas for the Soul” was released world-wide in 2014 and the stunning “Halloween Oracle” is her latest work. Her next book, “The Disconnect” will be released early 2015.
She has appeared on countless television and radio programmes and in many mainstream magazines. She was the Metaphysicist on the hit TV series, ‘The One”. She has a number of very popular and somewhat controversial social media pages including Facebook and her “Natureluster” website & blog. Her grassroots activist group ‘The 5000’ organizes fundraisers for various animal and environmental causes and beach cleanups, amongst other activities. She lectures, holds workshops and Wild Souls Retreats and consults within Australia and around the world.
She is a proud pagan (pagan means earth-honouring), active in the community, and passionate about bringing the magic of nature to everyone, especially those who sit in offices all day.