Spirit is Ready to Talk!



Hi Everyone and welcome to my Soul Inspirations newsletter : “Spirit is Ready to Talk!

Did you know that the Spirit World is our real home? We all came from that Divine place made up of God, Divine Source, Angels, Spirit Helpers, Guides, our loved ones and our friends. They’re all made of the same energy as us, and that beautiful spiritual force that binds the Universe and heavens is also part of us. It’s the power of love that constantly keeps us connected to one another.

As you know, one of my favorite sayings is “Those in the Spirit World want to talk to us—as much as we want to talk to them.” They want to help us, gently guide us, and inspire us to be all that we can be here in the physical world. Sometimes we just have to ask.

Those in the Spirit World cannot interfere with the karmic lessons you’re meant to experience in this lifetime, as these are the specific lessons you must learn on your own for the evolution of your soul. But the spirits can definitely assist you in various areas of your life through guidance, inspiration, divination, synchronicity, dreams and the power of grace. Just remember that the spirits love you and want to help in any way they can.

We all need a little Divine assistance in our lives, especially now. There are so many challenges we face on a daily basis, and no matter how much experience we have, oftentimes turning to Spirit for guidance and clarity can be a source of great comfort.