Sonia Choquette


Sonia Choquette is a globally celebrated spiritual teacher, author, and intuitive guide known for her practical, down-to-earth approach to personal empowerment and spiritual growth. With more than 27 books and oracle card decks, Sonia has helped millions worldwide connect with their inner voice, spirit guides, and angels. Her bestsellers, such as Ask Your Guides and Trust Your Vibes, guide readers to live authentically, reduce stress, and awaken their intuition.

Her journey into spirituality began in childhood, being raised in a family that valued intuition. She started offering intuitive readings at the age of 12 and later trained with master teachers. After experiencing personal hardships, including the loss of family members and her marriage’s dissolution, Sonia embarked on a pilgrimage, which led to a profound healing and deeper purpose in helping others trust their own inner guidance.

Sonia’s work connects deeply with many because of her compassionate and relatable style. She teaches that spirituality is not something distant or difficult but a natural, intuitive connection we all possess. Her teachings empower people to trust their inner wisdom, cultivate self-love, and navigate life’s challenges with grace. Her fans appreciate her sincerity, storytelling, and ability to break down complex spiritual concepts into easy-to-understand and practical advice.

Sonia’s workshops, courses, and books are filled with tools that guide people on a journey of self-discovery, helping them align with their purpose and find peace and fulfillment. She encourages people to listen to their vibes, which many find liberating as it reinforces self-trust and courage in decision-making. Her appeal lies in her genuine warmth, ability to inspire change, and her track record of transforming lives by showing people how to tap into their intuition and spiritual connection in a grounded, accessible way.

Many people feel drawn to her teachings because she emphasizes that everyone can access spiritual guidance, and she offers clear techniques to do so. Her personal story of overcoming challenges also resonates with her audience, making her relatable and inspiring. Through her extensive body of work, Sonia continues to reach a broad audience seeking spiritual growth, healing, and clarity in navigating modern life.

Apps from Sonia Choquette