Some Cayce Readings’ Language to Get Long-Awaited Update

Some Cayce Readings’ Language to Get Long-Awaited Update



Some Cayce Readings’ Language to Get Long-Awaited Update

For years, countless individuals have asked about the possibility of updating some of the Cayce language syntax, especially archaic King James English filled with such terms as “ye,” “thine,” “thou,” instead of simply stating “you,” and a preponderance of masculine pronouns – such as “mankind” or “man” instead of “humankind” or “humanity,” and the fact that God is always referred to as “He,” rather than as “God” or “Mother/Father/God” or “the Divine.” The challenges with some of the language was again brought to the forefront during multiple “youth focus groups,” conducted by A.R.E. in which young adults were asked for their thoughts on the Edgar Cayce readings.  

According to Executive Director & CEO, Kevin Todeschi, “Young people repeatedly confirmed their interest in and excitement about topics and ideas contained within the Cayce material but the language was repeatedly brought up as a drawback.” Todeschi added, “Obviously, the challenge for us as an organization is multi-faceted. We have many long-term members who absolutely love the syntax and the language. We have other members who love most of the language but do agree that the male-dominated pronouns are no longer appropriate for the 21st Century. And now we have many young people who state that they love the concepts and ideas but the language gets in the way of them becoming more involved.” With all of these differing viewpoints, a creative solution was needed. Todeschi pointed out the approach, as follows: 

“Let me first of all confirm that the original Edgar Cayce readings are not being changed. Let me say that again, no one is changing the original readings. Instead, we have come up with a plan for in-house authors to update some of the challenging language in articles, blogs, or books and then make a notation that the language has been edited for ease of understanding. We have created a new notation that will make it clear when this has occurred.” What follows are a few examples of the original Edgar Cayce reading followed by a language update for some of the terminology: 


Man’s answer to everything has been POWER  Power of money, Power of position, Power of wealth, Power of this, that or the other. This has NEVER been GOD’S way, will never be God’s way. Rather little by little, line upon line, here a little, there a little, each thinking rather of the other fellow … (3976-8) 


The world’s answer to everything has been POWER  Power of money, Power of position, Power of wealth, Power of this, that or the other. This has NEVER been GOD’S way, will never be God’s way. Rather little by little, line upon line, here a little, there a little, each thinking rather of the other individual … (ECRL* 3976-8) 

Readings notated with “ECRL” indicate that some of the language has been edited by the author for ease of understanding. 


Cayce told another individual, “Don’t act like ye think ye are a God! Ye may become such, but when ye do ye think not of thyself.” (4083-1) 


Cayce told another individual, “Don’t act like you think you are a god! You may become such, but when you do you think not of yourself.” (ECRL 4083-1) 


“For ye are as a corpuscle in the body of God; thus a co-creator with Him, in what ye think, in what ye do.” (2794-3) 


“You are a corpuscle in the body of God; thus a co-creator with the Divine [or God], in what you think, in what you do” (ECRL 2794-3*) 

Again, this ability to edit for ease of understanding will be allowed for in-house authors of the Edgar Cayce organizations. On occasion, the Edgar Cayce Foundation will also provide Cayce scholars with the same latitude. These editing changes will only be evident in various articles, blogs, and the Cayce “Thought for the Day.” Members of the A.R.E. who go to the “Members Only” section of will still find the original readings in the Edgar Cayce database.