Simple Habits to Manifest Change


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I am always pretty much in sync with everyone else by the end of January still considering change and transformation as a bit of a sport I might actually win. Yes, I have learned how to make change into a game since I am not always successful in avoiding the pitfalls of the myriad threads of old storylines to prove my essential unworthiness. You know what I mean, 3 weeks of pure bliss on a new food plan and anti-aging Goop-approved weirdness, then face plant without noticeable cause into a giant vat of cream cake. Who me? Not I!!

You might identify with being sick and tired of being sick and tired, or raring to go and get a brand new you, or realizing nothing is actually broken, you just aren’t where you want to be… yet. This brings up the “mindful of remaining in the moment and being with what is” existential dilemma.

Oh, what a hairball!  

Time to revisit the KISS principle. (That is Keep It Simple Sally (or any descriptive and slightly rebellious word beginning with “s”)

Ok so assuming we know change will make things better, brighter, clearer, more abundant, or whatever it is you’re looking to experience let’s look at some very simple ways to make lasting change. Here are my 5 favorites. They make change fun and manageable.

  1. Get grounded and start where you are. I know it sounds counterintuitive but if you don’t know where you are you can’t get to where you want to go to have the experience the change you desire
  2. Get clear on how you want to feel. The change you seek is a feeling state, not a thing or event. Spend some time writing down how you want to feel from “x” to “x”.
  3. Get organized and write it down. Studies show change happens when your awareness is accompanied by lists, notes, stickies or whatever floats your boat for making it real—words on paper first.
  4. Choose 3 micro steps a day towards your goal. I mean micro, not big leaps.
  5. Every day, yes you need to box your life in a 24-hour compartment. Begin by saying “This is my best day yet!

If you can track your wins, the smallest ones as I have mentioned in earlier blogs you will find you are winning this game. Who is your opponent? Well, your old self of course! The only person you should be comparing yourself with is you.

Ok, let me know how you do this week! Remember wake up and claim your day, then when you put your head on the pillow track your wins and only your wins for a while until this whole change issue becomes something you look forward to and not some daunting perfectionistic fire breathing monster ready to singe your eyelashes if you don’t get ALL of it right All at once!

Give yourself a HUG!