See It! Believe It! Become It!



Try this exercise: Focus on something you feel is out of reach or that you thought could never happen. Maybe it’s the perfect relationship you always wanted or it’s the book you’ve always wanted to write? Maybe it’s that marathon you felt you’d never have the nerve to join?

Take a few minutes every day to envision yourself in the scene as if you already have what you desire.  Many people often build Vision Boards with photos, images and pictures cut out of magazines showing all the things you want to attract in your life. By seeing these images every day, it will help your soul and the Universe work in partnership, by bringing to you what you aspire for.

When I wanted to write my first book, I took the time every day to see my book in my mind’s eye and imagined it on the shelf of my local bookstore. Then I brought in the emotions and feelings of what that would feel like. Once I did that, a chain of synchronistic events began to happen from finding an agent, getting a proposal together to securing a publisher. Try it for yourself! I find that the more time and energy you put into manifesting your dream, the better the results.

Think It. See It. Feel It. Say It and Believe It. Then, you’ll Become It!

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Live a Soulfilled life!


p.s. Don’t forget that when you tell your friends to join my newsletter list, there’s a free meditation to listen to, which is called Raising the Power when you SHARE this with a friend.