


12.18.2020 Blog Christmas.jpg

Edgar Cayce Readings, Spiritual Growth

In the following, Cayce restates the opening line in the Gospel of John, then develops the teaching.

“He came unto His own for there was nothing made that was made to which He had not given life, to whom He had not given, ‘Be you fruitful, multiply.’ In yourself may there be the propagation of your own self! Only then to those that sought could such a message come, or could there be heard the songs of the angels or that music of the spheres that sang, ‘Peace on Earth, good will to humanity!’ For this, then, is in every birth – the possibilities, the glories, the actuating of that influence of that entrance again of god-human into the earth that humanity might know the way. Thus, this comes at this time to bring to the hearts and minds of those of that Glad period the fact that not only 2000 years ago but today, He may be born in your own consciousness, your own understanding; He comes to His own! Are you His? Have you claimed Him? Have you put on the Christ, even as was and is exemplified in that life, that birth, that death of Jesus, the Christ? For He is your Elder Brother, He is the babe in your heart, in your life; to be then even now – as then – nourished in the heart, in body, in mind. Do His words become more and more of meaning: ‘As you do it to the least of these, your brothers and sisters, you do it to me!’” (262-103)

There is no Christian teacher acclaiming that Jesus is our “Elder Brother.” That is simply too close a relationship. After all, Jesus Christ is the Son of God! Yet, this is exactly the same complaint the Pharisees made against Jesus concerning his statement that we were all gods and that he was the Son of God! No one could be that close to God. Yet, Psalm 82 clearly states: “You are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High.” We need to open our hearts and minds to this truth, to this possibility, and strive to be what we were originally meant to be, “The Children of God” conceived in the image of God. (Genesis 1).

“For as you behold the face of your friend, of your neighbor, of your foe; yes, your enemy, you behold the image of your Savior. For you are all His, bought not only with the birth of the God-Child into flesh but with the death, that you might know that He, your Brother, your Savior, your Christ, has been and is the Way to the Father/Mother in this material plane. For as He chose to enter, so you have entered. As He chose to live, so may you live. As He chose to give of Himself that there might be a greater understanding, a greater knowledge, showing forth the wisdom of God, that God is love, poured forth upon the children of humanity. And as these changes come and as you make known that there has been the raising of that consciousness of His Presence in your experience, by your dealings with, by your conversation with, by your life with your fellow humans, so may you hasten the day when He, Christ, may come into your own heart, unto His own peoples, to reign; yes, in the hearts and lives! Then indeed should each of you, in this Glad Season make the hearts of others Merry by your own happiness in the birth, the life, the death of your Jesus, your Christ! Know this had no beginning 2000 years ago, but again and again and again! And today He may be born into your consciousness; not as a physical birth but each moment that a physical birth is experienced in the earth is an opportunity for the Christ-entrance again! Then, what are you doing about it in your daily life, your daily conversations? For not by might nor in power, but in the still small voice that speaks within, you may know as He has given so oft, ‘Peace, it is I! Be not afraid, it is I,’ your Savior, your Christ; yes, yourself meeting that babe in your own inner self that may grow even as He, to be a channel of blessings to others! May the Peace, the Joy of His Consciousness, His Presence, His Joy be yours this day; yes, and all your days in this earth! For He is near to you, He is in your midst! Praise you the Lord that gave, then, His Son; that you might know Him!” (262-103)


John Van Auken

John Van Auken is a director at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., and is one of the organization’s most popular speakers, traveling throughout the U.S. and abroad to address audiences on the body-mind-spirit topics found in the Edgar Cayce readings. He is an acknowledged expert on the Cayce readings, the Bible, ancient prophecies, world religions, meditation, and ancient Egypt. He writes Venture Inward’s Ancient Mysteries column and is the author of several books, including Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You, From Karma to Grace, and Angels, Fairies, Demons & the Elementals. He is co-author with Ruben Miller, Ph.D. of the recent book Edgar Cayce on the Mysterious Essenes: Lessons from Our Sacred Past. To view John’s upcoming schedule of events, visit our events search page for “John Van Auken.”