Manifesting Your Spiritual Community in 2021

Manifesting Your Spiritual Community in 2021


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Now more than ever, intentional community has become more essential to our spiritual health and well-being. Because of our current realities, we are all searching for new ways of connecting and creating support for and with each other. Trust me: It’s quite a challenge for any living thing to grow in isolation — even some gardeners believe in the concept of “companion planting,” whereby seedlings thrive when they have neighbors nearby!

Over the past months, I’ve often thought of this quote from Game of Thrones: “In the storm the lone wolf perishes but the pack will survive.” It can feel like we are in a storm right now, turbulence of a world gone off-kilter. We cannot go it alone… we must reach out to each other!

At some level, you already know that’s true (which is why you are reading this… There are no accidents!). We are designed for relationship. But in our current age of digital overload, spiritual seekers express three main concerns or blocks to pursuing intentional connection and community.

See if any of the following sound familiar to you:

1. I’m not a joiner… I’m doing fine on my own.

Oh, this one resonates with me! For most of my life, I was a dedicated lone wolf.

In fact, in my younger days, I would have said I was allergic to community. I had trouble trusting others.

I just never felt like I belonged, like I was always the outcast. I felt so alone, even when I was surrounded by people (maybe you can relate…? If so, I’m giving you a huge, virtual, social-distancing-approved hug right now! ❤️).

But then I got into this new group through part of my recovery. It was part of a 28-day program, and everyone there was an outsider. We were from all walks of life. It didn’t matter where we came from. We were there to work on ourselves and our spirituality and nothing else mattered.

And it was magic!

I want that magic for you.

All it takes is finding the right group — whether it’s a spiritual membership site, a group of seekers like you, or a collection of friends who are dedicated to each other. When you find your spiritual home, you realize that you aren’t the problem, that you can be whole again, and (this is big) when you share a common goal, you have a whole squad of people on your side.

I believe everyone deserves to experience the joy of feeling supported and accepted… especially in these lonely times when we all feel more isolated and disconnected. Your spiritual health matters — and you matter, too!

 2. It takes too much effort.

A lot of life feels overwhelming right now, doesn’t it? And the idea of finding or creating a spiritual Facebook group (or being on social media at all!), then testing it out, then sharing your journey… it can seem completely exhausting!

A few notes on this topic of effort. First, you’re right, that not every group will be right for everyone. There is a lot of fluff, dysfunction, and ineffectiveness out there — all of which I have experienced myself!

The effort of being authentic, of baring your soul and your dreams and your heart with others, is so worth it.

When I actually experienced the feeling of feeling fully seen, supported, and accepted… it was like being immersed in a bath of warm water, scented with lavender, with rose petals drifting on top… I could finally exhale a breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding for years. My soul had been longing for a place to call home.

That’s what I want for YOU. Yes, it may take some effort. Yes, you will have to get vulnerable. But the payoff is immense, and you’ll be so glad you took the risk. Remember: Spirit is guiding you and protecting you every step of the way!  

 3. Virtual just doesn’t work for me

Raise your hand if you have Zoom overload!

I get it — the interminable talking-head style meetings with one person droning on and on while everyone else files their nails or goes about their household business (sometimes forgetting to turn off the camera!) can make us long for the days when “video conferencing” sounded like something out of an episode of The Jetsons!

But instead of cursing technology, what if we turned that on its head and realized what a gift we have been given via these amazing tools? We can’t blame Zoom for boring presenters anymore than we can blame Netflix for the last boring show we watched. They’re merely tools, and we can choose how we use them.

When my team and I were faced with the realities of no travel last summer, we thought about canceling our OraclePalooza in-person event. After all, how could we possibly translate the magic and synergy of a live get-together to the digital realm?

But you know what? We did it. 

Was it the same as a live event? Not in every aspect.

But in some ways, it was even better. We were able to reach many, many more beautiful people, from all over the world, who NEVER would have been able to attend in person. The energy, the group vibration, the shared vision and intentions… it truly was an experience to be remembered.

The truth is, right now we’re faced with very real limits as to what we can and can’t do. For the time being, weekend yoga retreats, spiritual getaways, and in-person meditation classes may be impossible. But our need to connect, to be seen and honored by each other, hasn’t gone away. We must find ways to fulfill our soul’s need to be in relationship with other spiritual beings… and I’m so glad that we have technology to support us in that quest.

Not all spiritual membership sites are the same. But if you’re looking for one that truly leverages the beauty and abilities of the digital age, they’re out there (and I have one to suggest… keep reading!).

Find a Place to Call Home

Can you tell I’m passionate about creating and contributing to healthy connections? Joining a spiritual community saved my life and helped me find my path, rocks and logs and obstacles and all.

Which is why, from the earliest days of my business, I fully committed to creating a community of support and love and GROWTH for you. Whether you join my Facebook lives, or come to a webinar, or attend our next OraclePalooza Virtual, or join my monthly membership group, The Oracle Circle, I invite you into a sacred experience with me and other heart-centered seekers.

We see each other, we honor each other, and we call to the divinity in each of us.

This year more than ever, your soul aches to be recognized and aligned with others. You owe it to yourself to venture forth in partnership and love!

P.S. If you are seeking a spiritual home, and you feel called, please consider the Oracle Circle Membership. It’s where you will become the hero of your own magical story.

The doors are open for a limited time… find out more here!