It’s Still Mercury Retrograde: Time to Reevaluate, Realign, & Release for Deep Healing


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It’s that time again…actually, we are already halfway through this cycle of Mercury Retrograde! Right about now, you’re probably thinking I KNEW IT! That’s why everything has gone awry. So, if you just got frazzled and also weirdly relieved at the mention of this planetary cycle, take a deep breath. Today I’m going to share my insight into this Retrograde and help you make the most of the next nine days, as I feel the last week of Mercury Retrograde is the most profound.

For a quick refresher, from October 31st through November 20th, Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, the sign of deep-diving and deeper healing. Mercury Retrograde happens three to four times per year when the planet Mercury slows down and appears to stop and move backward. It’s an optical illusion, since there is forward movement, like speeding by a slow-moving train—as it recedes, it appears to go backward.

The purpose of Mercury Retrograde is to review and revise our life and our connection with reality. In many ways, this time helps us prepare for the future by propelling us to realign and reevaluate our plans and ideas. Since Mercury rules communication, things most often go haywire in that area—computers go on the fritz, (totally happened to me) miscommunications abound, and often the internet goes down.

For example, right as I was to do a really important interview yesterday online, the internet went out in my house! Of course, we worked through it, but frustrating things like this are common during the Retrograde. Communication impacts almost all areas of our lives, whether business, relationships, or health.

So Mercury Retrograde can be a powerful and frustrating time. I am one of those people who happen to love it. Why? Because if we follow the prompts we can redo, regroup, renew, reclaim, refresh and clean some serious house! I’m talking inner house—the house of the heart and mind. Scorpio is asking us to go down into the basement to see what we shoved down there.

What’s that smell? Oh, just some ol’ resentments and fears and misguided intentions I shoved in a box. Oh Oh. Yes, Virginia, you need to go on down there and clean out the basement. Scorpio wants us to go down there, where things may have gotten kinda nasty, not just tidy up the lawn and make the obvious rooms beautiful.

Generally, retrograde planets present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no control, relating to the sign in which the retrograde occurs. For example, this Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio presents different conditions from a Mercury Retrograde in say Aries. It’s a great time to tie up loose ends, go over things again and again, and read the fine print. It’s also important to be clear in your communication and not take anything that’s said to you to heart. Minor frustrations may add up, especially in your relationships, so if you’re present for healing, rather than running away this won’t be an issue.

Ultimately, the Scorpio retrograde’s final week invites us to look under the hood and clean up the gunk, really get to what is true and celebrate that! It’s a time to reboot our sensuality. Pleasure is highlighted now, and maybe it’s time to reassess how we avoid it. Scorpio asks us to look at this as an important aspect of life that’s often left for last in our chaotic busy lives.


Review the details of your life! Take some time to journal today about everything that’s happening in your life now. What do you need to let go of? What things have you been putting off? What are you most thankful for? What’s going right?

Create a new sensual ritual for this retrograde.  Take a good soak in a bath with salts and essential oils since Scorpio is a water sign! If you’re “too busy” slow down, breathe. Make order in your home as a ritual exercise, breathing slowly repeating the affirmation, “all is well, all is well.” You’ll be amazed at how great you’ll feel.

And, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the deep waters you’ve noticed this Mercury Retrograde. What worked for you as a result of your deep dive?

In service and love,



One response to “It’s Still Mercury Retrograde: Time to Reevaluate, Realign, & Release for Deep Healing”

  1. Pjjasmin Avatar

    Hello my queen mother Earth I love it I noticed I been so off beat lately . Just came across this Exercise . I will do this today since this is the 4th day Mercury Retrograde so this is why I seem all over with racing thoughts. Thank you so much . Glad I came across this as I was mediating on you’re App today …. You’re amazing 😘