Is Your Soul Having A Temper Tantrum?



I recently hosted an online conversation with my good friend, Kerri Richardson. She’s a lifestyle designer who just published her latest book, From Clutter to Clarity. You’ve heard me mention Kerri before. She’s helped me in my own life, both with clearing clutter and coaxing me to move forward on several projects I’ve been procrastinating about.

During our discussion, Kerri stopped me in my tracks when she gave her definition of clutter: “Essentially, I’ve learned that clutter in all of its forms—physical, spiritual and mental—is a temper tantrum of the Soul.”

Is that amazing or what? I love this definition!

When Kerri uses the word clutter in her books and coaching practice, it’s a catchall term meaning: “Anything that gets in the way of you living your most joyous and exuberant life.”

So, when Kerri mentions clutter, she’s not just talking about having a closet overflowing with clothes you don’t wear or shelves toppling over with too many books. Kerri says these are just symptoms we need to investigate to see what’s at the source—what is it specifically that’s getting in the way and blocking us from living a soulful life.

How can you tell if your Soul is having a temper tantrum? Take a good look around you. Is there something out of alignment in your life? Is one of your relationships on shaky ground? Are you unhappy about your weight or your appearance? Are you feeling frustrated about being stuck at home during this pandemic?

Kerri beautifully describes why your Soul could be having a temper tantrum: “Your Soul isn’t getting what it needs and this is the one way it will get your attention.”

That’s how smart your Soul is. Your Soul wants you to have a fulfilling life. But if it sees something getting in your way, your Soul will tap you on the shoulder. And if you turn the other way or refuse to listen, your Soul will get louder. Loud enough, even, to have a full-fledged temper tantrum!

If you want to purchase Kerri’s book, From Clutter to Clarity.