How to Trust Your Intuition


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We are spiritual beings first and human second. Although it goes against what most of us were taught, intuition is our first sense.

The one that helps us read between the lines, pick up on invisible information, feel things out and make good decisions, and understand the “vibe” we get from a person or situation.

When it comes to developing your intuition, the first thing you have to understand is that your intuition is NOT your intellect. Intuition doesn’t follow linear rules because it isn’t logical or intellectual. But it IS just as important as your intellect.

In order to navigate our world, we need both – our power of analytics + logical thinking, as well as the soft, nuanced world of intuitive intelligence.

Trusting your inner-voice means recognizing that certain things that don’t make any sense, but we still know they’re true. This can help us navigate a world where things are changing so rapidly.

How To Develop Your Intuition 

We live in a dynamic reality where the consciousness of the Universe (a.k.a. God, Spirit, Source or whatever you choose to call it) is constantly speaking to us. And intuition is the part of us that makes communicating with this greater intelligence possible.

You do this through deep listening. The reason a lot of people feel like they don’t know how to use their intuition or how to make good decisions that are led by Spirit is because we often ignore this inner-voice. We have a tendency to let our intellect get involved and run the show.

The thing about your inner-voice is that it’s often soft + nuanced. It comes in a little push, a little nudge, a little clarity, or a subtle feeling. Sometimes it can come in a flash like a sudden epiphany, but even then, we’re getting these little signs all the time from the Universe. This is one of the reasons I created Oracle Cards, because they help facilitate the conversation between you and Spirit.

This kind of listening isn’t necessarily about hearing sounds directly. It’s about hearing the messages that rise above the sounds. It’s about noticing when you turn the radio on and a song plays that speaks directly to you, and you just know it. Or when a coincidence happens that has meaning to you. You really notice that, and the sense of knowing it is specific. When you keep seeing the same bird, or noticing the same name everywhere. These are those little moments your mind remembers because for some reason, something specific catches your attention. Something doesn’t quite make sense to your logical mind, so it becomes a freeze-frame in your memory.

The way you begin to develop your intuition and use it is by getting into this dialogue with the Spiritual world. By listening deeply and taking note of the signs. And when you want to take this deeper – to get more specific and intentional in your communication with the Universe – you can use tools like Oracle cards to facilitate the communication.

How Do I Know If I’m Intuitive? 

Whether or not you’ve ever consciously connected to or even thought about your intuition, everyone is intuitive. Learning how to use this “sixth sense” is really about trust.

Intuitive can mean a lot of things, but in short, being intuitive means that someone is deeply in tune to the invisible world. That they get information that is accurate + helpful for them by trusting their intuition.

Although some people may be more intuitive than others or may have developed this part of themselves more thoroughly, we can all develop our intuition. We just aren’t taught this in school… so we have to wake it back up!

How Do I Know What Is My Intuition And What Isn’t? 

The intuitive arts are the arts of subtlety. The way you know the difference between real, intuitive information and other passing feelings or thoughts is to start to get really curious. Intuition works best with curiosity. 

Intuition is not looking for a threat, it’s looking for information. If you’re only looking for a threat, you may actually miss the other information. Threat seeking is connected to instinct that kicks in when you are under stress. That is not your intuition. In fact it will keep you on high-alert for what is NOT for you instead of nudging you gently toward your highest good.

Intuition also doesn’t work with wishful thinking. There’s a tendency to want to will our intuition into telling us something we want to hear. But when you do this, you override the intuition’s subtle language.

Inner-knowing comes in the moments when you are clear, grounded, and curious. It’s much more difficult to access your intuition when you’re stressed.

How To Start Trusting Your Intuition

If exploring intuition is new for you, I want to give you a few simple steps to start connecting more regularly with this part of yourself so you can navigate your life with greater ease.

#1 Notice what it feels like in your body.

Intuition is a moment of simply knowing in your body. This applies on both ends – you have to know what your red flags feel like AND know what your truth feels like. When a red flag goes off (this can sometimes happen when you really want something or have a “plan”  but your intuition is telling you it’s not for you), learn to recognize that feeling and listen to it. Similarly, when you have that feeling of just knowing, don’t doubt yourself. Recognize it and learn to identify that feeling. Each person can learn how their body tells them intuitive information. The body is always the first place it lands and that’s how you know you can trust the information.

#2 Know that your intuition will always guide you into your highest good.

It may not feel like it at the time – especially when an intuitive “hit” goes against your desires or your plans – but when it’s truly your intuition, it won’t steer you wrong. Sometimes it may steer you into learning a painful lesson. Your intuition will guide you to your highest good, and sometimes that means healing a difficult pattern.

#3 Take note of the moments when you failed to trust your intuition! 

you know the feeling of, “I knew I shouldn’t have done this and I did it anyway!” Yep, we’ve all been there. This is a valuable way to start getting to know yourself and what it means to trust your intuition. Those moments you regret were moments when your inner-knowing spoke up and you didn’t listen. Get to know this feeling! Next time it happens, you’ll be more aware.

#4 When in doubt, pull an Oracle Card! 

Oracle Cards are an incredible tool to help us be in direct communication with the Universe. When you aren’t sure about what your intuition is telling you, I invite you to play with this magical tool to help you get clear guidance and confirmation on your path! My deck, Wisdom of The Oracle is perfect for someone who is just starting to exercise their intuition and want to dive into the world of Oracle Cards!

Click here to pick a card and get a reading on my site for free.

Developing and getting to know your intuition is an exciting way to begin inviting more magic into your daily life! If you’re curious about learning to use your intuition and developing more of a connection with the language of the Universe, check out my new quiz, How Intuitive Are You at Reading Oracle Cards? 

This is a great way to start playing with your intuition and seeing the amazing way Oracle Cards can work with your intuition as a mystical, yet practical tool.