How to Access Your Soul’s Wisdom



In the last Soul Inspirations newsletter, I mentioned how you can find any answers you’re seeking by looking within to your soul. This week, I want to give you a meditation you can try to help you access this inner-wisdom anytime:

Find a safe, quiet and comfortable spot where you can sit with your feet planted firmly on the floor. Close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths through your nose, exhaling slowly out of your mouth.

Now, bring your awareness to the bottom of your feet. Let your breath assist you in transferring this relaxing energy up through the bottom of your feet. Slowly work your way up to your calves, your thighs, your abdomen and your chest, directing this energy into these areas.

Continue sending this energy into your shoulders, your arms, your hands and your fingers. Now work your way up to your neck, your jaw, your cheeks, your eyes and your forehead, moving this energy into these areas and then right to the top of your head.

Now, at the top of your head I want you to imagine there is a large funnel starting to form, which reaches out into the Universe. Think of it as a vortex of energy reaching upward. Let your awareness constantly flow up and out of your head and into this funnel that’s opening up above you.

All of the information and answers you seek can be accessed from here and brought to you. Imagine a shimmering ball or cloud of white light above this funnel. Now reach up with your mind as if you’re floating and blending with this brilliant white light. Slowly merge yourself into the space as you continue to reach up and out of your body with your mind.

Take a few moments with this energy, and feel what it’s like to be calm and centered, to be one with your higher mind and soul. This would be the perfect time to ask your soul any question you wish. Then let your soul’s guidance flow. You may get a word, an image or even a complete sentence.