Hang Out in the Present Moment



I had to laugh when I saw a cartoon some months ago. (If you haven’t seen it, I shared it on my Facebook page:  It showed three booths at a Spiritual Fair. One of the booths offered “Past-Life Reading” and another touted “Future Telling.” Both booths had crowds of people in line clamoring to get their turn.

The middle booth, however, had no customers whatsoever. The sign above it read: “Meditation” and the lonely person manning this booth kept desperately trying to wave people over, saying “Present Moment anyone?”

How true is this? We yearn to discover more about how our past has shaped us and we can’t wait to find out what’s in store for our future. But for right now, we’re more inclined to shake our heads and say: “Uh-uh. No thanks. I’ll pass.”

I think meditation scares us a little. Maybe we’re afraid to be alone with our thoughts because we might not want to hear what our inner voice has to say. Or maybe we’re getting too comfortable being distracted and disconnected instead of dealing with our issues.

I want to re-introduce you to the Present Moment. This minute, this moment, this millisecond. It’s a great place to hang out. When you learn to live in the present moment, you don’t have to be ashamed of the past or worry about your future. All you have to do is make the most of right now.

This is the place where you connect with your true self, with your soul. This is where you are who you were meant to be. And believe it or not, you have more power and control right here in the present moment.

How do you get there? By being aware of all the goodness around you and within you. By not really doing anything except to breathe and just BE.