Encounters with Your Loved Ones Who Passed



When I was at the post office the other day, I walked alongside an elderly woman who was bent over holding a cane and walking very, very slowly toward the car that dropped her off.

I gave her a big smile and asked: “You got this?”

She smiled back and said, “Yep!”

When she got to the car door, I opened it and helped her in. We looked at each other for a moment, exchanged another smile, and then she said something that took me by surprise. It was an exact expression that my Mom used to say to me!

I started walking away, but I took one more look at this woman before I got into my car.  I sat back for a minute and noticed something else about her. She not only said something my Mom would say, but she looked like my mother and even walked like her! Suddenly, I started getting a little emotional because I felt the presence of my Mom in this special moment.

Have you ever seen someone who looked just like a loved one who has passed away? Or have you glanced at someone in the distance and could almost swear it was a deceased relative? Or maybe you met someone who had the same mannerisms, the same way of talking right down to the hair color of a beloved spouse or friend who passed?

Our loved ones on the Other-Side are always looking out for us, and they have a way of influencing things. They can help put us at the right place at the right time. We usually feel very strong emotions when this does happen. Sometimes I even think that our loved ones can almost superimpose themselves onto another person, especially when we need them most.

When I saw that woman at the post office, I could almost feel my Mom’s presence. It was such a beautiful moment. It felt like a “Hello from Heaven” directly from my Mom, whom I still miss very much.