I’ve been thinking a lot about my healing lately. Since my brain tumor diagnosis 7 1/2 years ago, many earthly and spiritual healings have happened to allow me to be here today. I appreciate every moment I get to share with my family and friends, and for the most part, I feel great! But every now and then I feel a little off. Then the fear starts to creep in and my monkey mind starts to go a little haywire. That’s when I know I need to really put my spiritual tools to work.
This morning was one of those times.
I was trying to focus on work to keep my mind occupied. I needed to do some last minute testing on our new Earth Warriors Oracle (link) app so I opened it and asked: “what do I need to know most at this time, for my highest good” with the one card draw.
I pulled the Pono Pono card. Well, of course, I did!
It starts out: The heart has the power to heal in a way that the mind cannot understand. Do not allow your mind to distract or frighten you. You are a beautiful child of the Universe and divine love lives within your heart.
I had never even seen this card before in all our testing, nor did I realize it was even a part of this deck. This was shockingly precise for me because this practice is one of the main tools I have used to help me heal! Not only that, but I have been teaching a lot of Ho’oponopono to others lately, pretty much on a daily basis. (It’s even one of my steps in my free 5 Magic Steps to Manifest Your Soulmate Mini Course!)
So opening this card was the perfect jolt from spirit to get out of my head (literally) and into my heart. I just have to go back to the basics: love, repentance, forgiveness and gratitude. I need to keep in mind that if I just practice what I preach I will be ok. That by helping others I help myself. I am an Earth Warrior and I’m so grateful!
Yes, I totally believe in the power of these oracle card apps, and yet they always seem to surprise me with how accurate the readings can be. I am thankful for this reminder that we are Earth Warriors and that our own healings can be catalysts for other people’s healings as well.
I am grateful to be an Earth Warrior!
I am here to heal and transform this planet into a more beautiful world!
May beauty and love surround you this week and always!
-In gratitude