Mystical Shaman Oracle

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“The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.” — Rainer Maria Rilke

Collaborator: Marcela Lobos

Illustrator: Jena DellaGrottaglia

For millennia, men and women of wisdom sought to understand the workings of destiny. Those who were able to peer into the past and glimpse into the future, to see beauty and purpose in the illusory randomness of nature, were considered prophets and seers.

Today the task of reading the signs of destiny falls upon every one of us. If you do not discern the dangers and opportunities waiting for you, then you could be caught in the tidal surge that drags most people toward an unconscious destiny — what we call fate. And fate can be deadly. It is preordained by the past and can hold you captive to a life of ever-narrowing choices.

The good news is we can become our own prophets and visionaries. We can converse directly with Spirit, dialogue with the forces of nature, speak with great archetypes — the ancient gods — without intermediaries. No one needs to stand between the Creator and you, or between you and the great powers of nature.

Legends say that before there was time, before there was language, there were the sacred symbols. The Medicine Wheel, the Curse, The Eagle, the Jaguar, and others spoke to us intimately. In their countless manifestations, they offered hope, expressed caution, illuminated opportunity, inspired creation, courted power, and shared knowledge. The sacred symbols belong to the realm of archetypes and the collective unconscious, the spiritual common ground shared by peoples modern and ancient.

Mystical Shaman Oracle offers a doorway into this realm of the sacred symbols. When you consult the oracle, you summon power and wisdom that can help you understand the present, heal the past, and influence the course of your future.

While our modern culture tends to look for meaning in the visible, in the realm of things, people in ancient times looked for meaning beyond the visible. Shamans today still communicate with the invisible world of Spirit through the use of symbols. Inherent in the world of symbols is the understanding that things are not merely as they appear to be; there is a hidden dimension, and all things have two aspects: essence and matter.

As you use this oracle, you will learn to integrate its symbols with ordinary reality, and in doing so, your world can be transformed. In this way, an eagle in a card is not merely an eagle, but a numinous eagle, a form suffused with sacredness, holiness, and light. 

As you shuffle the cards, the images — the eagle, the sun, the fire, and all the others — can emerge from the sea of possibilities to convey a message or a warning to you. The more you get to know them, the more clarity the cards inspire in you via your intuition. Then each symbol will begin to shed its light upon your life stage and illuminate your topic of inquiry.

Lame Deer, the Sioux shaman, describes it this way: “We Indians live in a world of symbols and images where the spiritual and the commonplace are one… We try to understand them not with the head but with the heart, and we need no more than a hint to give us the meaning.”


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  • Flip cards over to read each card’s meaning
  • Get the most out of your deck with the guidebook