Healing Music for the Soul

By Robert J. Boyd

App Information

From the exquisite solo and duet voices in “The Vision” through the deep rich harmonics of “Sound the Tone” and “Bellissimo” into the mysterious depths of “Ocean”, and finally to the light sparkle of “Flowers” in a garden full of life, this magical journey will take you through experiences of expanded awareness and deep healing. Allow the music to take you in its flow like a leaf floating free on a flowing river. Where it will take you is up to you.The haunting music on this beautiful album is a direct result of the expanded spiritual awareness Robert J. Boyd experienced at the Oneness University on the island of Savu Savu, Fiji.

4 tracks, Running time: 64 mins

Track 1: The Vision

Track 2: Sound the Tone

Track 3: Bellissimo

Track 4: Ocean

Track 5: Flowers

Official Blue Angel Publishing licensed app.


  • View the entire list of tracks
  • Favorite tracks to create a custom playlist
  • Set a daily notification to remind you to meditate
  • 15-Second Forward/Backward Skip
  • Repeat One or All tracks
  • Set a sleep timer
  • No internet connection necessary to listen
  • Over 60 minutes of meditations

Recent Customer Reviews

Great app!

Love Robert’s music.

Beautiful music!

Love the wonderful musical tracks in this app.


I recommend this relaxing and uplifting meditation app.