Happy Little Hearts

By Katrina Cavanough

App Information

Happy Little Hearts is the premier mindfulness and meditation app for kids by Blue Angel and Beauty Everywhere. Watch your children enjoy the benefits of embracing a meditation and mindfulness practice at a young age.

According to the New York Times, children of all ages can benefit from mindfulness, the simple practice of bringing a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment. It can help parents and caregivers, too, by promoting happiness and relieving stress.

These meditations will support your child to understand their feelings and experience ways to help and heal themselves with the help of some special friends.

Every child feels sad sometimes. Whether it’s a hurt knee through to divorce, death of a loved one or even child abuse, children need to feel safe, loved and protected. These meditations will support your child as they heal from sadness, grief or trauma. Happy Little Hearts teaches your child that their natural state is one of health, happiness and peace.

Official Blue Angel Publishing licensed app.


Katrina Cavanough has 20 years experience as a grief & trauma therapist. She is now an inspirational speaker, life strategist, and spirituality coach. Her unique style offers practical exceptional life guidance based on a solid foundation of intuitive perception, life wisdom and extensive experience working with relationships and human behavior.

Recent Customer Reviews

Get it if your kids have faced sudden loss!

My kids like this one it has helped them calm down… they lost their dad suddenly and this cd is helping them see him as always with them as a guardian in a way…

Beautiful Great meditations for children!

Great for kids of many ages. I use it with second and third graders and they look forward to it every day.