BE Manifesting Meditations

By Karen Kripalani

App Information

Manifest Your Best Life

Can you imagine being able to tap into your abilities to co-create with the Universe? Are you excited to manifest your best life?

Maybe you have been looking for more love in your life, or have struggled in your career and don’t know what is blocking you from success. Maybe you’re looking to create better health, more
abundance, or inner peace. Maybe you’ve tried manifesting in the past, but you just aren’t “getting it.”

All the meditations in this app are crafted with love and infused with Reiki energy to help you manifest your best life and all that is for your highest and greatest good! Listening to these potent suggestions, combined with your higher vibration, starts to bring into being that which you are wanting. As your practice develops you will start to see synchronicities begin to appear more frequently in your life.

May they serve you and help you vibrate beauty… everywhere!


  1. Manifesting Cosmic Oneness
  2. Blessing the Chakras
  3. Manifesting Loving Kindness
  4. Cutting the Cord
  5. Manifesting World Change
  6. I Am Love Meditation
  7. Manifesting Contact with Your Inner Guide
  8. Manifesting Your Soulmate


  1. 8 FREE Guided Meditations
  2. Daily reminder notifications
  3. Sleep timer

Guided meditations are one of the most powerful ways to help you visualize what it is you are looking to create. Meditation calms the mind and brings your heart and brain into coherence so that it can bring about your desires, as well as heal your body, mind and soul.

In fact, meditation has been scientifically proven to:

  • Elevate your mood
  • Prevent depression and anxiety
  • Alleviate physical pain
  • Reduce stress
  • Promote happiness and a more kind attitude
  • Boost memory and focus
  • Improve creativity and problem solving
  • Reduce attention deficiencies
  • Boost immunity and health
  • Increase intuition, awareness and clarity
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce emotional eating
  • Improve sex drive
  • Diminish age-related deterioration
  • Improve brain functioning and intelligence
  • Put you in a higher state of consciousness (perfect for manifesting!)