App Information
Ever wonder about the meaning of a number you keep seeing?
Or have a question you’d like to be answered with a number transmission?
Alana Fairchild’s 11:11 ORACLE provides inspired answers to your questions about numbers that appear in your life. When important sequences appear in everything from clocks, license plates, phone numbers, etc., this app will give you transmitted messages to recalibrate your awareness into a higher-frequency consciousness of what the Universe is initiating in your life.
Numbers hold universal signatures of energy that, not only give us a message, but also inject a beautiful transmission of grace and healing medicine. When we see the numbers they actually communicate with us a far deeper level than our intellect can comprehend.
This app has been created in conjunction with loving spiritual guidance to help shift and break through restrictive paradigms and belief systems. Open up to more inspired and fearless ways to manifest secret potential in the world which brings benefit to all beings.
- Synchronicity Session – Ask a question and the oracle will answer with a number transmission.
- The Number Interpretation Session – Enter a number you keep seeing and for an interpretation.
Recent Customer Reviews
This app is top notch & I am so glad I found it.
Refreshing info love it thanks Alana.
When I see a number…I quickly go in this app to see what my angels are telling me. It guides me.