Animals Teach Us To Love



For all of you who are animal lovers like me, I’d like to share a beautiful story about “Greyfriars Bobby.”

Bobby was a Skye Terrier that belonged to a police officer named John Gray in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the 1850s. Back then, police officers were required to have watchdogs. Terriers seemed a perfect fit because they are known for their watchful eye and booming bark.

Every day, Bobby would obediently follow his master on his daily rounds. Wherever Constable Gray was, there was Bobby faithfully walking beside him. The two were inseparable. Sadly, one day in 1858, Constable Gray died of tuberculosis. The poor dog must have been incredibly confused, finding himself all alone as he sat beside his master’s coffin. When it was time for the funeral procession, witnesses saw Bobby walking proudly in line, constantly looking up at the coffin that was being carried by Gray’s fellow officers.

Constable Gray was laid to rest in Greyfriars Churchyard. When the grave was filled in, friends, family and colleagues returned to their normal lives. But the Constable’s loyal companion Bobby continued to lay by his master’s grave day after day, rain or shine. Neighbors and passersby began to feed him, and this went on for years.

In 1867, there was talk that the ownerless dog may have to be put down. But in a wonderful act of compassion, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Sir William Chambers (who loved dogs and devoted much of his time to the prevention of cruelty to animals) stepped up and paid to renew Bobby’s license, making this faithful dog the responsibility of the town council.

In the end, Bobby amazingly kept his graveside vigil for his beloved owner for a total of 14 years, until he died in 1872. Bobby was duly buried near Greyfriars Churchyard.  A statue of the devoted dog that touched the community was erected in dedication of his loyalty and it still stands today.

I’ve told this story many times on stage, and I can easily see how it touches all who hear it. The bond between Constable Gray and Bobby has been written in books and movies.


One response to “Animals Teach Us To Love”

  1. Tamiko Harris Avatar
    Tamiko Harris

    That was a very touching story. Thanks for sharing.