About Us

Hello Beautiful!

My name is Karen Kripalani. I am a spiritual seeker who strives to find gratitude and beauty in everything… even when life isn’t pretty. I am also a wife, mother, coach, writer, and app designer.

In January of 2009, my husband, Michel, and I started our app publishing company, Oceanhouse Media. Our first child was born one month before, so our company has grown along with our family. It has always been our goal to create apps that uplift, educate and inspire.

In 2011, when our children were 1 and 2 years-old, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The treatment of radiation brain surgery, unfortunately, caused trigeminal neuralgia – a very painful, chronic, facial nerve condition. I was told I would have to take pharmaceutical medications (that made me feel like a zombie) for the rest of my life.

I made a firm declaration that this would not be my story. I had two amazing children who needed their mother to be alive, healthy, happy and present! After 5 years of determination, with the help of God, spiritual practices, Ayurveda and using my food as medicine, I weaned myself off of all drugs. Today I feel vibrantly healthy and extremely grateful!

During that time of healing, we continued to build Oceanhouse Media. Guided by our own spiritual beliefs and being parents of young children, some of the most important areas to focus our apps were: spiritual development and child development. Over the company’s first 9 years our team created over 600 apps, many of which reached the top of the App Store charts. We pioneered the children’s book app market, publishing apps for Dr. Seuss, Berenstain Bears, Little Critter, and many more beloved brands.

We were also blessed to work with Hay House for over seven years, creating over 200 spiritual and self-improvement apps. As a result of this relationship, we were able to build apps for best-selling authors such as Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Colette Baron-Reid, Iyanla Vanzant, John Holland, Marianne Williamson, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Deepak Chopra, Christiane Northrup, Cheryl Richardson, Don Miguel Ruiz, Sylvia Browne, Joan Borysenko, Sonia Choquette, T. Harv Eker, Steven Farmer, Caroline Myss, and many more.

As our children have grown, our company has grown as well. To give our beloved customers a better experience, we decided to split Oceanhouse Media into two companies to create two distinct brands. OM would remain our children’s book brand and Beauty Everywhere would become the home of all of our inspirational content.

BE is a home for all the powerful, inspiring authors who have helped me, and millions of others, to heal and grow by bringing our attention to the positive. BE is a place where we can focus on the gratitude for the journey, and see the beauty in everyone and everything that has been a part of creating our individual stories.

As I look back over my rocky journey to health, I have deep appreciation and gratitude for the broken road. I have grown so much because of my diagnosis. I have learned how to release and trust in God so much more. I have learned how to appreciate the little things in ways I might have overlooked in the past. I have learned how to ask Spirit for guidance and hear my own inner callings. I have learned that you pass this way but once in life, so take advantage of every opportunity that shows up for you right now! I believe I am a better wife, mother and friend. If I hadn’t been diagnosed with a brain tumor I wouldn’t be the person with the rich life that I live today, and Beauty Everywhere might never have manifested.

Thank you so much for visiting BE! Our whole team and I are so grateful that you have found us and feel blessed to join you on your personal journey. We hope that you will find a sense of family here. A place that feels like home. A place where you see beauty everywhere. 

-In gratitude

Karen Kripalani

Co-founder, Beauty Everywhere & Oceanhouse Media