A Blessed 2021: A New Year of Connecting with Your Soul!



It’s going to be very strange when we turn on our TVs on New Year’s Eve to watch the ball drop at Times Square. For the first time in 114 years, the streets of New York City will be empty. But as strange as that may seem—we still have good reason to celebrate!

Bottom line:

  • We survived 2020.
  • We made it this far!
  • We pulled together, and tapped into resources we didn’t even think we had and above all, we moved forward.
  • We learned how to do our jobs, teach our kids and order our essentials online.
  • We figured out ways to maintain our fortitude and stay connected to our lives and our loved ones, even when wearing masks and keeping our distance.

I fully appreciate that not everyone was so fortunate and my heart and prayers go out to all those who have lost someone to Covid-19.

When the clock strikes midnight, we can finally kick this challenging pandemic year to the curb—a year of fear, uncertainty, anger, heartbreak, division and great loss. But now we have a chance for a new beginning. It’s not going to be easy and it’s going to require a lot of work and even more sacrifice. But this time, we’re going to be ready—with more fortitude, more hope, renewed confidence and a whole lot of soul. And this time, we’ll still have each other to get us through.

Remember when the pandemic first started to reveal itself back in March? People kept asking me if I received any advice from the Spirit World. “Why is this happening?” “When is it going to end?” There was one message that kept coming through: Stay connected to us. When we’re connected, we’re protected.

This message keeps coming up. Whenever I’m on Instagram or Facebook, I’ve been seeing the word connection in many conversations. People are looking for more ways to connect with each other. When I launched my new project: MySoulCommunity, members thanked me for giving them a way to connect with new and like-minded friends.

Think about what you want most in the New Year. The end of the pandemic? A safer world? A more peaceful world? A harmonious world? More hope? More love? More faith in ourselves and others? All of the above?

If you’re yearning for any or all of these things or anything else, you only need one item on your 2021 New Year’s Resolutions list to make them happen: Stay connected!