What’s in the Cards for You?



Not long ago, I posted a flashing video of my Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck on Facebook and Instagram. As the cards are flashing, you can take a screenshot and grab the card that’s meant for you. It’s just a bit of fun for the new year, so here’s the link if you haven’t tried it yet, just click here >>

I received so many comments about this deck that I thought I’d devote this newsletter to the powerful bridge between your psychic abilities and the ancient knowledge of the tarot.

When I created my Psychic Tarot Oracle Card Deck over a decade ago, I had no idea it would become so popular. Not only has this deck been translated into many other languages, but hundreds of thousands of people from around the world are regularly using it! I’m very proud that this card deck has become a vital tool to help such a vast number of people get more in touch with their intuitive abilities. And now, it’s available on a new, all-inclusive easy-to-use App from the digital developers: ‘Beauty Everywhere’ Have a look and you can see my app and so many others, just click here.

How did it all begin? When my psychic abilities were first awakened, I quickly realized that I needed to understand as much as I could about this fascinating yet unusual skill and learn the mechanics of how it all worked. I read literally hundreds of books, attended numerous workshops, studied with other teachers, and began to practice with friends. It was during this time that I discovered my first tarot deck.

Traditional tarot is a form of divination, using a deck comprising both Major Arcana cards (22 cards representing life lessons) and Minor Arcana cards (36 cards representing everyday actions and emotions). Although the very first tarot deck seems to have appeared in medieval times and its exact origin remains a mystery, people continue to be fascinated by this ancient tool.

When I began to use the tarot, I noticed that the cards seemed to reach out to my intuitive mind; and I became increasingly aware of their colors, shapes, figures, words, numbers and symbols. Even though I knew the meaning behind each card, it was as if they were somehow talking to me—giving me more accurate and specific knowledge over and above the basic interpretations.

I let them speak to me and tell me their story. And with every reading—whether for another person or myself—the cards seem to act as a channel for more psychic information.