Do You Have A Question for the Spirit World?



If you’ve attended any of my events, you know what I always say about our loved ones in the Spirit World: “They want to talk to us—as much as we want to talk to them.”

Your loved ones (even animals!) who have passed are very eager to help you from the Other Side. They want to gently guide and inspire you to be all that you can be here in this physical world. Sometimes, you simply just have to ask.

It’s the power of love that constantly keeps us connected to one another.

How much can we rely on these spirit messengers? There are specific lessons you must learn on your own for the evolution of your soul. So, your loved ones on the Other Side cannot interfere with what you’re meant to experience in this lifetime. However, they can definitely assist you when you need them most.

These messages can come to you in many shapes and forms—through a dream, a synchronistic event, a wisp of inspiration that suddenly came over you or the power of grace that arrives at the perfect time.

We all need a little divine assistance in our lives. That’s why I was inspired to create The Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle Deck, now available on an easy-to-use App. It’s one of the best tools to help you tap in to these messages from your loved ones in the Spirit World.

There are so many challenges we face on a daily basis, and no matter how much experience we have, oftentimes turning to Spirit for guidance and clarity can be a source of great comfort.