The Loss of a True Spiritual Champion



This newsletter is dedicated to my colleague, mentor, confidant and above all … my very dear friend—Janet Nohavec, who crossed over suddenly this past July.

Janet was a true champion of Spirit. She was a medium since birth and had conscious memories of spirit communication since the age of 4. With her extensive training and teaching around the world, Janet raised the bar to bring more evidential and quality mediumship to the masses.

Janet was always there for you—to give spiritual words of wisdom, lend a helping hand, donate her time, provide meals for the homeless and lift the hearts of the bereaved and anyone else in need. I never ever heard her complain. Her motto was: “No worries, it’s all good.”

I did several events with Janet and taught with her in Maine only a few months ago. We just enjoyed each other’s company—and all the laughter. Oh, the laughter! Janet loved to laugh and she loved not knowing what was going to come out of my mouth.

I spoke with Janet the day before her heart surgery and she said to me, “I’ll be all right, John.” As always, Janet ended our conversation by adding, “I love you.” I didn’t know those would be the last words she’d say to me.

I may be a medium, but I’m also a man. I may know there’s an afterlife, but it doesn’t mean I don’t grieve or have less of a heavy heart than anyone else. When I heard about Janet’s passing, I couldn’t put my feelings into words for a while. I knew she was having surgery, but I was NOT expecting anything to happen. Did anyone have a clue? Did she have a feeling she wouldn’t make it? I guess we weren’t supposed to know.

Maybe Janet’s passing affected me so much because I haven’t lost anyone so unexpectedly before. I still can’t believe it. I thought maybe if I wrote my thoughts down in this newsletter, it would somehow become real.

I have to be honest with you. When I heard about Janet, I experienced a deep feeling of loss at the very core of my being, my soul. There were so many different emotions. I felt sad, depressed, angry at God and the Spirit World. I felt like I was robbed of a good friend, a last hug, a last goodbye.

I kept thinking: “What? I’ll never see her here again?” Then I would break down just talking about her. I know now that the pain and sadness we all feel when we grieve is because of how much we loved these precious people like Janet who have touched our lives.