The Key to Spiritual Growth



The Key to Spiritual Growth

Know that growth is within each of us. Whether that which is applied in our lives with others is chosen from the fields of creative and soul evolution, or for the satisfying or gratifying of the material physical world is the choice of each of us. 

– Edgar Cayce Reading 2851-1 

What is growth? One could define growth as movement towards a particular goal or objective. What is a goal? It is that which is sought, a desired result or end point. It can also refer to a purpose, aim, or cause. So, if we are to grow, we need to define what it is we are moving or directing ourselves toward and follow up with how we will get there. Plans are created by choosing goals from among various opportunities and selecting the best alternative for meeting the chosen goal.

It has been my experience as a professional planner that an inordinate amount of time is devoted to evaluating alternatives and a minimum amount of effort is given to determining the goal. Yet, as any planner will tell you, it is very rare that a goal is achieved exactly as planned even using the very best alternative and tools available. The reason? Plans occur over time, and time has a way of introducing unexpected variables never considered during the formulation of the plan. Those variables can be both good and bad.  

So, in this brief discourse regarding personal spiritual growth we might ask, “What’s the plan?” Or more specifically perhaps, “What is God’s plan for us?” The source of much of the Cayce material suggests that in keeping with who we are, we should have three goals or ideals: a physical one, a mental one, and a spiritual one. As a planner, we might visualize these ideals as tentative objectives, for the ultimate purpose, ideal, or goal is for all three to merge into one as that unity with God is achieved.

As noted above, the most critical aspect of this planning approach is to clearly identify the three ideals sought. They can be short term or long term and addressing them will require much thought and analysis.

Determining the path or means of achieving the objective ideals can conceivably be a much easier task despite the impact that time will have along the way.

How then do we navigate the chaos of the world to meet our physical, mental, and spiritual ideals? The path is really a series of small individual choices made daily. The Cayce source indicates that these small individual choices are really opportunities, chances to do something, act, progress or regress. Here is where our god-like actions, our free will gift, continuously operates. The application of the choice comes from within oneself. Each day, there is set before each of us good and evil, life and death – it’s our choice. All these choices are made in the MIND by the WILL, the decision maker in each of us.

The referenced Reading states that we essentially always have at least two choices, i.e., a material worldly one and a spiritual one. Which we choose should depend on what our goals (ideals) are. Thus, the ideals we seek are most important and must constantly be kept in mind as choices are considered. If we don’t, then we wander aimlessly.

How do we learn to make the spiritual choice? Consider that Jesus who became the Christ offers a real-world example, or pattern of how we should make those spiritual choices. Take notice in the Gospels that Jesus always relied on and surrendered to the Father’s will. 

Do use the MIND. Be not afraid, for He will be our guide, if we seek His face. It is through the mental that the POWER of Christ, not of ourselves, but of Christ as He works through us that we may accomplish much.

– Edgar Cayce Reading 2851-1 

Thus, it is clear that by making the spiritual choices, it is Christ, who operates through us. Making mostly material worldly choices, which we all do most of the time, only puts us in charge and thus responsible for the consequences.  Hence, the world we live in. 


Bob is a freelance philosopher, scholar, and author with over 49 years of professional experience in engineering, management, consulting, and healthcare. He holds a Master of Engineering Science degree, several honorary awards, and has given numerous guest lectures throughout his long career.