The Power of Your Words



Are you aware of how much power your words have? Think about that the next time you’re sending a quick text or posting something on Facebook or Instagram. Keep in mind that words can inspire, heal and transform. They can be as gentle as a hug and have a positive effect on others. But on the flip side, words can be as sharp as a knife and can cut down someone’s else’s spirit. They can also be hurtful, especially when directed at yourself.

If people are constantly talking about gloom and hardship, then it’s most likely that their lives are a reflection of what they’re saying. It can be draining to be in their company. You come away feeling exhausted, because inadvertently, they’re sapping your precious energy.

My family had a rather unique mantra, namely: “We never have any luck.” I grew up believing this and set my expectations accordingly. It wasn’t exactly a positive affirmation, but it was an affirmation nonetheless. If a child or someone else is told often enough that they’re dumb, useless, stupid or unlucky, that kid will eventually live the life of those words. In many cases, negative affirmations can have damaging long-term effects.

When you hear people saying negative things about themselves, they don’t seem to realize that just by saying them, can manifest a negative personality trait. I’m sure you’ve heard people say: “I am a loser” or “I am trouble.” The use of the very words “I AM” is very powerful, as it encompasses your whole being and everything that you are. Equally, “I AM” can also be magical words if you combine them with positive words. “I am healthy.” “I am beautiful.”

When you work with affirmations and carefully choose words that are positive, loving, kind and healing, you’ll start seeing the inner workings of your soul and how it helps you achieve all you desire in your outside world.