Bring Balance and Well-Being to Your Life with the Power of Sound and Vibration

Bring Balance and Well-Being to Your Life with the Power of Sound and Vibration



Bring Balance and Well-Being to Your Life with the Power of Sound and Vibration

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Energy Work, Meditation / Prayer

Life in its manifestations is vibration. (1861-16) – Edgar Cayce

If we compare the Cayce readings to modern science it seems that Mr. Cayce was ahead of his time. In many of his readings, he brought forth the truth that everything in the universe is in motion and due to that everything is a vibration. Years later this truth has become supported by science. In fact, Einstein himself stated in the 1950’s “in the universe everything is vibration.” 

The Cayce readings suggest that vibrations are not only what gave rise to the material world but that vibrations are also associated with healing & consciousness. In many of his readings, Cayce stated that each area (town, state, country) makes its own vibrations through the actions and activities that happen there (262-66). He also stated that each person “radiates that vibration to which they attune themselves.” (2842-2). And that if one wanted to attune to better health, bring wellbeing to their body, mind, & soul; or wished to attune with God that there were many ways one could use vibrations to assist them with this.

For example, music, colors, chanting, gems, food, etc… all carry vibrations which may assist a person in their healing or spiritual journey and be influences helping someone become one with the Creative Forces. “Sounds, music, & color may have much to do with creating the proper vibrations about individuals that are mentally unbalanced, physically deficient or ill in body & mind.” (1334-1)

I began to study the Cayce material, almost thirty years ago, back when I was about fifteen or sixteen years old. One of my particular areas of interest are specifically the readings on vibrations of music & sound. Many of his readings suggest the powerful effect the vibrations of music can have on our physical, mental & emotional well-being, as well as, how music is the bridge between the physical and spiritual. In some of his readings, Cayce even suggested a certain piece of music or certain types of instruments to help realign and attune a person’s body. “…music that is of harmony — as of the Spring Song, the Blue Danube, and that character of music, with either the stringed instruments or the organ. These are the vibrations that will set again near normalcy —mentally & physically.” (2712-1).

Vibrations of music and instruments can assist us because the eternal essence of ourselves – (call it a soul, atman, universe, Buddha-nature, spirit or whatever other label you wish) – according to many traditions this part of ourselves, which is beyond the physical form, has energetic centers associated with it. These centers are often referred to as chakras. These energetic centers (or chakras) have their own individual vibrations which some traditions say correlate to the vibrations and frequencies of the seven colors of the rainbow. With the lowest center (root chakra) being red, the second chakra correlating to orange; third yellow; and so on up to the seventh chakra at the top of the head (crown chakra) correlating to the vibration of purple/violet.

Many spiritual traditions believe, and the Cayce readings also state, that an imbalance in the energetic body – the chakras being out of tune – is an underlying cause of mental, emotional, and even physical illness. If we wish to bring wholeness or healing to ourselves then we need to restore balance, re-attune the body, or bring the centers back to their proper vibrational rates. And this can be done in many ways, such as through yoga, formal meditation, being out in nature, color therapy, etc… However, one of the primary ways we can re-attune ourselves is through vibrational therapy and music. In fact, the scientist Isaac Newton said that the seven colors of the rainbow directly correlate to the same frequencies that are the seven notes of a musical scale. Therefore, some traditions believe that the seven notes of the scale can help to attune the seven chakras and bring healing to the body.

The Cayce material supports the idea that sound vibrations are healing and even states that those of the human voice can help to realign the centers of the energetic body. The readings often recommended the chanting of the sounds “AAAARRRRRR-EEEEEEOOOOO-MMMMM” to balance the centers as well as help “raise one’s vibrations bringing one closer to the presence of thy Maker” (281-28).

If you would like to learn more about the role of sound in your spiritual and physical well-being, join us Saturday, January 9th, 2021 for our Soul Growth Saturday event “Vibration, Energy, and Music: Attuning Body and Soul with the Power of Sound”. Together we will embark on a journey exploring energy, frequencies, and vibrations. We will discuss how these things can be used to bring balance to our energetic body, and we will end the event with an immersion in a “sound meditation” concert experience. This program will be available LIVE and on-demand anytime after the event. 

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Anthony Profeta

Anthony Profeta is an internationally known medical-student-turned-meditation/mindfulness-teacher. His knowledge of meditation and sound healing stems from 18+ years of intensive study and practice in monasteries & spiritual centers throughout the US, Nepal & India. He has studied with world renowned teachers Jack Kornfield & Sharon Salzberg, a Japanese grandmaster, Buddhist Monks, Yogis, Swamis, Lamas, Christian Monks, and Tibetan High Lama’s – Lama Zopa Rinpoche (the heart-son of the current Dalai Lama) and Lama Dagri Rinpoche. 

In 2016, Anthony released GUIDED MEDITATIONS: Awaken to Happiness, Healing, & Peace with music composed by Sene Music Festival and Grammy recognized Kevin Keough. His newest creation, released in 2017, A Sound Healing Experience, features Crystal and Himalayan Singing bowls to create healing tonal frequencies designed to assist your mind transition between Beta-Alpha-Theta states.  Anthony offers private & group meditation lessons and sound baths, as well as, a variety of workshops in his home state of Florida.