Is Your SOUL the REAL You?

Is Your SOUL the REAL You?



Here’s a great way to start living as a soul. Each and every day, repeat this mantra as often as you can:

I am soul

When you say these three simple words, your soul resonates with what you’re expressing, and your consciousness automatically begins to expand. It’s important to remember, that regardless of the image you project outwardly to others, it’s actually your inner-self—your soul—that generates your responses, inspires your tender emotions, and forges your lasting relationships.

No matter who you are, where you’ve been, or what you’ve done, you always have the freedom of choice to begin living a spiritual life, to start living from the soul.

When you focus on what lies within, rather than what’s on the outside, you become more aware of the force that draw us all together—the power of the soul.

If this Soul Inspirations resonates with you, what better way to continue the journey of discovery and transformation than to join My Soul Community.

Just so you know, we will be closing the doors for new members on November 16th, so if you’re thinking about joining this extraordinary community, don’t delay!

If you know someone who may appreciate being part of this new community, feel free to share this Soul Inspirations or recommend they join my newsletter list.

Live a Soulfilled life!


p.s. Don’t forget that when you tell your friends to join my newsletter list, there’s a free meditation to listen to, which is called Raising the Power.