We’re All Connected … Especially Now!



Hi Everyone and welcome to my special edition of my Soul Inspirations newsletter : “We’re All Connected … Especially Now!”

A few short weeks ago, we were going about our normal lives … driving to work, picking up groceries, dropping our kids off at school, meeting friends for dinner, taking trips to see our relatives, attending a live event and catching up with our neighbors at the dog park.

Then it all came to a sudden and unexpected halt that shook the very foundation of our lives!

Now, we’re being urged to practice social distancing and isolation. Residents in many states have been mandated to stay at home. Businesses have shut down. Some cities are closing their beaches and parks. Some countries, such as Italy and Spain are virtually at a standstill.

Like you, I felt a pang of fear in my gut and my head was full of questions as this news was unfolding. Why is this happening? What’s the message we’re supposed to get from this? Will the world as we know it ever be the same?

Weeks earlier, we yearned to step away from our overwhelming schedules so we could spend more time with our loved ones or by ourselves. Now that we’re forced to do it, it’s scaring the heck out of us.

After I made a final grocery store run and hunkered down in my house in the last few days, something amazing started to happen. People are reaching out to each other in extraordinary acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. Families are sharing meals together. Friends who haven’t had time to connect before are contacting each other, even if it’s in a virtual capacity through a video chat. Our worldwide neighbors stuck in their apartments are singing in unison from their balconies. Restaurants are delivering free meals to medical facilities. Authors are reading online so parents and their kids can join in. Global celebrities, singers, theatre groups and many of you are posting songs and uplifting reminders that we’re not alone. I even heard Neil Diamond singing revised lyrics about “hands … washing hands!”

This may be one of our darkest times, but there’s light seeping through. It’s coming from all corners of the world. It’s coming from within us! It gives me hope, and I trust you’re feeling it too.

I’ve talked a lot in this newsletter series over the years about the power of our soul. These beautiful acts of love and connectiveness that we are witnessing during this pandemic are proof of that power. In times of crises, our true soul-self breaks through our darkness and erases our differences.

In my heart and my soul, I know that together, we will get through this, and when it’s all over, our world will never be the same. We have connected to each other on a soul level. We are one. We are souls filled with compassion, love, tolerance, forgiveness, peace and strength. When we unite our soul power, we can survive anything and be so much more than before.

Let’s continue to be there for each other and put our soul power into healing action. Let’s also send our deepest gratitude to the medical staffs, first responders, grocery store workers, mail carriers, delivery people, and everyone else who are going above and beyond to keep us safe. Let’s also send our strength to all those less fortunate, those in refugee camps, those who are already dealing with other crisis, such as flooded homes, or the thousands who suffered chronic fires in Australia, who have to now cope with the virus as well. Our hearts go out to each and every one.

If you want to share this special newsletter with anyone you think might might appreciate reading this, feel free to share this Soul Inspirations or recommend they join our community.

Live a Soulfilled life!