5 Manifesting Secrets Hidden In The Week Before Halloween

5 Manifesting Secrets Hidden In The Week Before Halloween


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We’re entering into my favorite time of year! I love the month of October and all of the mystical magic in the air during this time. It’s a perfect chance to do some Halloween rituals and tune into the energy of this time to manifest your dream life.

Growing up, I thought the week before Halloween was the most fun week of the year ever invented (I guess not much has changed!). It was the week where I would decide who I was going to be without limitations. What costume would I wear or ask my mom to make? What character would I be emulating? Would I be scary and powerful like a ghost or vampire, or a superhero kind of powerful like Wonder Woman? Would I be a rebel like a Gladiator or an elf- queen like Arwen from Lord of the Rings? Would I be a walking pumpkin?

I didn’t know why when I was little, but I felt a tangible shift in the air where I might become someone else. Little did I know how magical this secret really is!

The week before this amazing holiday I spent practicing being that iconic character, whatever I chose. I felt the magic!

Have you ever experienced the magic of allowing your imagination to transform you?

How did you feel when you were a kid when you chose your costume preparing for the BIG DAY?

Whether you live in a country that celebrates Halloween or not, this week and next hold a great secret that most people don’t know about.

This is the time of year when the veils between the mystical and the mundane are thinnest. 

Meaning that right now as you’re reading this, the material world is more malleable and responsive to your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs! During this time, we also have a greater connection to our spirit guides, angels, and our loved ones on the “other side” who want to help us tune into well-being, love, purpose, prosperity, and peace. Everything we send out during this special time is magnified ten-fold!

This doesn’t mean you can only have positive thoughts, but it does mean it’s a great time to focus on thinking and feeling the way you want to feel so you can attract more of it and manifest your desires.

Everything is magnified during this time, so releasing old stories and beliefs that need to die and finding ways to embody your highest self and the things you desire will have a great impact right now.

This is indeed a week we need to be aware of our inner dialog. It’s time to put your limiting beliefs on the backburner and connect to the idea of manifesting your desires. Tune in to the frequency of your highest self – the version of you you’re becoming – and trust the process of HOW those things will come about to happen naturally.

Ancient wisdom traditions that recognized this time of year as the most powerful time to manifest our desires have over time been totally dismantled and distorted. They have evolved over time from sacred and special to scary and superstitious!

Without going super deep into the history, know that these ancient traditions were tapped into something magical – the fact that during this time, we have access to incredible manifesting powers!

Here are my 5 Manifesting Secrets for the coming weeks. I hope you have fun playing in the energy of this time…

Secret #1 – You can Become Anyone Now!

What kind of life do you really desire? This is a week to practice how it would feel to be the person who lives exactly that reality! Who is the version of you that lives life for the highest good of all? Write down your idea of an inspired, fulfilling, and amazing life. Then every day, walk around pretending to be that version of yourself! When you embody this vibration, you send out a frequency for the Universe to respond to, and you begin to bring that life into reality.

Secret #2 – The Power is in Your Partnership with Spirit!

Think about how much fun you had pretending to be a ghost or a princess as a little kid. Be like a little kid again this week and be the person who lives your ideal life. Your job isn’t to figure out HOW you’re going to achieve your new self, it’s to practice being that version of you using your imagination so the Universe knows what you want. Spirit is your partner in creation and will respond to your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs… so why not believe you’re exactly the person you want to become for a few days?

Secret #3 – The Door is Open- Meditation is the way through!

This week is a wonderful time for manifesting meditation! Take some time to meditate on gratitude and praise for your Life Force – the spark of the Divine in you is your magic! Meditation helps you step through the door to the side where all the action happens and where Spirit or the Universe works through you for the highest good! Meditate as if your new life has already happened every day. If you say you have no time, make time – it will wait for you.

Secret # 4 – Expectation is a Super Power!

When it comes to manifesting, you get what you expect! Do you expect disappointment or that someone else will get what you want? Have a look at your shadowy side since those expectations can put a damper on the manifesting fun. Imagine they are skeletons in a closet. Take ‘em out, let them tell you their stories, and then imagine they turn to ashes as you rise up like a Phoenix Bird and sending them off with love for good! Who would you be without them? Hmmm…

Secret #5- The Form is not Your Business!

This is the hardest thing to get through our noggins since we have all been trained to set goals and focus on the form of things we really want, when what we are really looking for is the experience of them. In other words, we have to focus on enjoying the feeling and essence of the things we desire. Play the character of the person you want to be in your new life and trust that Spirit and those on the other side are there to help tend to the manifesting details. Do this every day for at least an hour and most importantly, have FUN with it! Life is short and miracles are endless!

If you want another way to play with the mystical energy of this time of year, why not connect with Spirit through Oracle Cards? When you’re rehearsing and manifesting your inspired life, ask the cards an open-ended question like, “What do I need to know to embody my highest self today?,” then use my FREE online Oracle Cards to see what the Oracle’s message is for you.